How long does covid last if vaccinated

How long does covid last if vaccinated

For those who need it, doctors will suggest treatments for COVID-19 based on the severity of the disease and the risk of it getting worse. They will consider the person’s age and if they have other health problems.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. It usually spreads between people in close contact.

COVID-19 vaccines provide strong protection against severe illness and death. Although a person can still get COVID-19 after vaccination, they are more likely to have mild or no symptoms.

Anyone can get sick with COVID-19 and become seriously ill or die, but most people will recover without treatment.

People over age 60 and those with existing medical conditions have a higher risk of getting seriously ill. These conditions include high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, immunosuppression including HIV, cancer and pregnancy. Unvaccinated people also have a higher risk of severe symptoms.


People may experience different symptoms from COVID-19. Symptoms usually begin 5–6 days after exposure and last 1–14 days.

The most common symptoms are:

Less common symptoms are:

  • muscle aches and heavy arms or legs
  • severe fatigue or tiredness
  • runny or blocked nose, or sneezing
  • headache
  • sore eyes
  • dizziness
  • new and persistent cough
  • tight chest or chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • hoarse voice
  • numbness or tingling
  • appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or diarrhoea
  • loss or change of sense of taste or smell
  • difficulty sleeping.

People with the following symptoms should seek immediate medical attention:

  • difficulty breathing, especially at rest, or unable to speak in sentences
  • confusion
  • drowsiness or loss of consciousness
  • persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • skin being cold or clammy, or turning pale or a bluish colour
  • loss of speech or movement.

People who have pre-existing health problems are at higher risk when they have COVID-19; they should seek medical help early if worried about their condition. These include people taking immunosuppressive medication; those with chronic heart, lung, liver or rheumatological problems; those with HIV, diabetes, cancer. obesity or dementia.

People with severe disease and those needing hospital treatment should receive treatment as soon as possible. The consequences of severe COVID-19 include death, respiratory failure, sepsis, thromboembolism (blood clots), and multiorgan failure, including injury of the heart, liver or kidneys.

In rare situations, children can develop a severe inflammatory syndrome a few weeks after infection.

Some people who have had COVID-19, whether they have needed hospitalization or not, continue to experience symptoms. These long-term effects are called long COVID (or post COVID-19 condition). The most common symptoms associated with long COVID include fatigue, breathlessness and cognitive dysfunction (for example, confusion, forgetfulness, or a lack of mental focus or clarity). Long COVID can affect a person’s ability to perform daily activities such as work or household chores.


Most people will recover without needing treatment in a hospital.

For those who need it, doctors will suggest treatments for COVID-19 based on the severity of the disease and the risk of it getting worse. They will consider the person’s age and if they have other health problems.


People should get vaccinated as soon as it’s their turn. They should follow local guidance on vaccination and ways to protect themselves against COVID-19.

COVID-19 vaccines provide strong protection against serious illness, hospitalization and death.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • avoid crowds and keep a safe distance from others, even if they don’t appear to be sick;
  • wear a properly fitted mask if you feel sick, have been close to people who are sick, if you are at high-risk, or in crowded or poorly ventilated areas;
  • clean your hands frequently with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water;
  • cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze;
  • dispose of used tissues right away and clean your hands; and
  • if you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, self-isolate until you recover.

Vaccination against COVID-19 is based on priority groups such as people aged 60 years and over, and those with underlying medical problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic health problems, immunosuppression (including HIV), obesity, cancer, pregnant persons, and unvaccinated people. In March 2023, WHO updated its recommendations on primary series vaccination (two doses of any vaccine) as well as the need for booster doses. These recommendations are time-limited and can change at any time depending on how the SARS-CoV-2 virus is circulating in your area or country. It is important to stay up to date with local guidelines and recommendations provided by your local health authority.

Since its introduction, COVID-19 vaccines have saved millions of lives across the world by providing protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death. Even though vaccines protect against severe disease and death, it is still possible to spread SARS-CoV-2 to others after being vaccinated.

WHO response

The World Health Organization is the global coordinating agency for the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Organization works with Member States and partners on all aspects of the pandemic response, including facilitating research, developing guidance, coordinating vaccine development and distribution, and monitoring daily case numbers and trends around the world.

Since April 2020, the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, launched by WHO and partners, has supported the fastest, most coordinated, and successful global effort in history to develop tools to fight a disease. COVAX, the vaccines pillar of the ACT-Accelerator is a ground-breaking global collaboration to accelerate the development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines.

WHO provides global coordination and member state support on vaccine safety monitoring. It developed the target product profiles for COVID-19 vaccines and provides R&D technical coordination.

WHO also leads work to improve global capacity and access to oxygen production, distribution and supply to patients.

Although WHO announced the end of the emergency phase of COVID-19 in May 2023, the Organization continues to coordinate the global response.

Coronavirus Diagnosis: What Should I Expect?

woman taking her temperature

woman taking her temperature

Having COVID-19 varies greatly from one person to another. What happens if you are diagnosed with COVID-19? Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., senior director of infection prevention, explains what to expect.

What are the stages of coronavirus infection?

There are three general phases of infection with SARS-Cov-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Incubation period. This is the time between getting infected and when symptoms appear. In general, you may see symptoms start two to 14 days after infection. The incubation period varies among individuals, and it varies depending on the variant. Even though you do not have symptoms in the incubation period, you can transmit the coronavirus to another person during this stage.

This is why, if you suspect you were exposed to someone with COVID-19, you should self-quarantine, watch for symptoms and consider getting tested four or five days following the exposure. This way, you can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please review Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for isolation and quarantine.

Acute COVID-19. Once symptoms appear, you have entered the acute stage. You may have fever, cough and other COVID-19 symptoms. Active illness can last one to two weeks if you have mild or moderate coronavirus disease, but severe cases can last months. Some people are asymptomatic, meaning they never have symptoms but do have COVID-19.

If you develop symptoms or suspect you are asymptomatically infected, call your health care provider, follow testing guidelines, and follow all isolation and safety guidelines.

COVID-19 recovery. Post-COVID-19 symptoms, such as lingering cough, on and off fever, weakness, and changes to your senses of smell or taste, can persist for weeks or even months after you recover from acute illness. Persistent symptoms are sometimes known as long COVID-19.

Test results may remain positive for weeks to several months following infection, but this does not necessarily mean you are still infectious. Most people are no longer infectious beyond the recommended isolation precautions period. If you have conditions that cause severe immunosuppression, contact your health care provider to determine how long you should isolate and how to determine when you are no longer potentially infectious to others.

What are COVID-19 symptoms?

Symptoms can be severe, mild or absent altogether. Some people recover from COVID-19 with no problems, while others are left with lingering effects, and still others require hospitalization or die from complications due to COVID-19.

If you have any of the following symptoms, call your doctor. He or she will say whether you need a test and recommend what you should do.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Severe COVID-19 When to Call 911

You should call 911 or an emergency care facility if you experience any severe symptoms, including:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake up or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face

Be sure to tell the 911 dispatcher or emergency room if you have been exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19.

How long do COVID symptoms last?

Those with a mild case of COVID-19 usually recover in one to two weeks. For severe cases, recovery can take six weeks or more, and for some, there may be lasting symptoms with or without damage to the heart, kidneys, lungs and brain.

Can I get COVID-19 more than once?

Yes. Re-infection with the coronavirus, especially with one of the coronavirus variants, is possible if you previously had COVID-19.

The best protection is to get fully vaccinated and receive a booster when eligible, wear a face mask in public, practice physical distancing and wash your hands frequently.

Will I get COVID-19 pneumonia?

Some patients with COVID-19 develop pneumonia. Viral pneumonia, including that caused by COVID-19, cannot be treated with antibiotics. Some severe cases of COVID-19 may require ventilator support to ensure the body is getting enough oxygen. Other medications, including antivirals, may also be administered.

People over age 65 and those with certain health conditions are at a higher risk of developing pneumonia and may experience more severe cases of COVID-19. Studies show that in patients with COVID-19, pneumonia may progress into acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which can be fatal in some patients.

What is the treatment for COVID-19?

Treatment of COVID-19 involves addressing symptoms. If you are at risk for severe coronavirus disease, your doctor may recommend one or more COVID-19 treatments, but for most people with mild COVID-19, rest and drinking plenty of fluids are the best approach. Your doctor may also suggest you take over-the-counter medication for fever.

More severe cases require hospital care, including breathing support, mechanical ventilation, or other medical treatments.

After COVID-19, when is it safe for me to be around other people?

If you are infected with COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone who is infected, it is very important to separate yourself from others so that you do not spread COVID-19 further. The CDC provides recommendations on isolation and quarantine.

If I have COVID-19, how can I keep my family safer?

There are several ways to help protect your family:

  • Make sure everyone in your family is fully vaccinated and has a booster when eligible.
  • Anyone testing positive for the coronavirus should stay in one room away from other people in your home as much as possible. Use a separate bathroom if one is available.
  • If you must be in the same room as other people, you and they should wear face mask s . If you cannot wear a face mask (for some, face masks may cause trouble breathing), people who live with you should not be in the same room as you. If they do enter your room, they should wear a face mask.
  • Everyone should practice good hygiene, including washing your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds and coughing or sneezing into your elbow or a tissue (and then throwing the tissue away).

Here are additional precautions:

  • Do not share personal household items such as dishes, drinking glasses, cups, utensils, towels or bedding with other people, or with pets. After using these items, wash them thoroughly.
  • All “high-touch” surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected daily, such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and bedside tables.
  • Any surfaces that may have blood, stool or other body fluids on them should be cleaned right away.
  • Household cleaning and disinfectant sprays or wipes are effective: You do not need special products. Be sure to follow the label instructions on the cleaning product for safe and effective use.

How can I care for my pets if I have COVID-19?

According to the CDC, the virus may spread from people to animals during close contact, so it’s best to follow the same safety measures with your pet as you would with people.

  • Avoid contact with your pet, including petting, snuggling, being kissed or licked, and sharing food.
  • When possible, have another member of your household care for your animals while you are ill.
  • If you must care for them, wear a face mask and wash your hands before and after.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Scientist carefully insets a pipette into a test tube.

What you need to know from Johns Hopkins Medicine.
