Cutest dog breed

These 25 Cute Dog Breeds Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile

More than movie stars or fire truck escorts, Dalmatians are devoted companions and truly loyal. Initially shy but smart, they quickly pick up on socialization skills and once comfortable around people and other pets, let their inner goofiness shine—which makes them one of the cutest dog breeds ever!

12 of the Cutest Dog Breeds We’ve Ever Seen

No matter what size or temperament you’re thinking about for your next pet, there’s a cute dog to fit your needs.

Chad has been blessed with the ability to always find and adopt the Goodest Dog in the World with uncanny accuracy. When not writing, he also enjoys road trips, movie marathons and presidential history.

Look, we get it. Much like art, “cute” is a matter of taste, especially when you’re trying to rank something. Most everyone might agree that something is cute, but to say it’s the cutest? That’s a bold step. Especially when it comes to identifying the cutest dog breeds. I mean, aren’t all dogs cute?

Cute is not only an adjective, but a state of mind. So this list doesn’t merely highlight some of the most adorable faces in dog-dom, it’s also here to shatter your preconceptions. Gone is the belief that only small dogs are cute! Away with notions of “cute” being solely the realm of the fluffy! These dogs are here to prove that cute comes in all shapes and sizes.

We submit for your consideration, 12 of the cutest dog breeds we’ve ever seen—in all shapes and sizes.

Norfolk Terrier

closeup photo of norfolk terrier face

Alert, expressive faces? Check. Tiny size? Check. Highly playful? Check. Yup, that’s a combination for cuteness! The Norfolk terrier might not be as common a breed as some of the others on this list, but one look at these little guys and it’s easy to see why they’d make the cut.

With a wiry coat that gives them a kind of “scruffy ragamuffin” look and those big, expressive eyes, the Norfolk terrier is adept at warming hearts. Although he might not do well with small household pets (he has terrier hunting heritage, after all), he’s a great pal for kids of all ages.


Papillion with red, white and dark fur stands profile-facing on gravel road

Those ears! If the giant, fringed, wing-shaped ears that give the papillon its name aren’t enough for you, spending some time around this intelligent people-pleaser will definitely push you over the edge. These beautiful, delicately built dogs (under 10 pounds) have been a favorite of royalty for centuries, even accompanying Marie Antoinette as she walked to the guillotine. Any dog that gets picked for “last thing I see before I die” HAS to be cute!

Yorkshire Terrier

yorkie with a cute haircut walking with her owner on an urban street

The Yorkie has long been one of the most popular breeds in the United States and it’s easy to see why. With their diminutive size (around 7 pounds) and large, brown eyes, Yorkies are just begging to be scooped up and snuggled close. Bonus: Their coats are very similar to human hair, making them prime targets for a huge variety of styling options, further enhancing their adorability potential.

Despite being small, Yorkies still need exercise. Two 30-minute walks a day, or even just some living room playtime, will keep them happy and healthy.

Golden Retriever

closeup photo of light golden retriever

There are other cute dogs that are even bigger (we’re looking at you, Newfoundland), but few dogs of any size can match the golden retriever’s joie de vivre. These incredibly loving, goofy, people-pleasing balls of joy have been one of the three most popular breeds in the U.S. for over a decade, and it’s easy to see why. Look into the face of a goldie for more than a few moments and you’ll definitely find yourself smiling right along with them.

And while they’re the biggest dog on this list—topping out around 75 pounds—they’re still a manageable size for most living situations and owners.

Parson Russell Terrier

parson russell terrier lying on wood floor

We’re going to save the whole “Parson Russell/Jack Russell terrier” distinction conversation for another time. But the bottom line here is that Parsons are here to make sure you’re getting your recommended daily allowance of adorable.

A dog that was seemingly custom-made for television, he’s photogenic, incredibly intelligent, and built for physical activity. Despite their small stature, these dogs thrive on agility training, hunting excursions, learning tricks, or even a spirited run around the lake.

French Bulldog

black french bulldog resting on bed

I mean, just look at him. Look at that smooshed face. Those big, round eyes. Those giant ears. This little guy is consistently in the top five most popular breeds in the U.S. and has been a favorite among city dwellers specifically because of his even-tempered, adaptable nature.

More than happy to curl up on a couch or find a sunny window for a nap, the Frenchie is the laid-back dog of your dreams while also being one of the most appealing dogs around. Are you single? Want to meet another dog lover? Get a Frenchie. Thank us later.


pomeranian in travel bag on plane

If you’re famous, or just want a dog who can get more “likes” than you, you’re looking for a Pomeranian. Usually clocking in right around 5 pounds, the Pom established herself in the early 2000s as the go-to “purse dog” for the Los Angeles glitterati. But don’t think for a minute that the Pomeranian is content as an adorable little accessory.

Just take a look at Instagram and peep Jiffpom (real name: Boo), the impossibly cute Pomeranian with 10.6 million followers (or about 3 times as many as Martha Stewart). Jiffpom passed away in January 2019 (RIP), but his page still garners thousands of likes every day and he’s been the subject of not one but four picture books. Make no mistake, when it comes to “cute,” the Pomeranian came to play.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

tan and white Corgi on steps

There are whole Pinterest pages and YouTube video compilations devoted to corgi butts. Not whole corgis. Just. Their. Bottoms. When the entire Internet is unified in its love for your booty, you know you’re a darn cute dog. The Pembroke wiggles that thing with gusto while his cousin the Cardigan Welsh corgi brings the cute and a fluffy tail wag.

Across the pond, Queen Elizabeth II has known that Pembrokes were where it’s at for decades, as she’s probably been the most famous corgi owner ever. Anime fans will also know and love the corgi thanks to Ein, the super-intelligent dog from the Cowboy Bebop series. But even owners of non-animated, non-royal corgis will tell you: The only thing cuter than a corgi is a pack of corgis racing.


white samoyed dog smiling at camera with fiedl fo flowers in background

Fluffy, snow white, fluffy, intelligent and oh, VERY FLUFFY. What’s not to love? Bred to work in some of the world’s coldest locations, Samoyeds have a thick (did we mention fluffy?) cloud double coat that keeps them warm in harsh environments. And it has the bonus benefit of making them completely irresistible to boot—just make sure to have your grooming brush handy for “blowing coat” season!

In fact, a surprising number of the Samoyed’s features seem to pull “functional/adorable” double duty: The corners of their mouths are upturned to keep them from drooling and forming icicles on their face, and it results in the breed having a permanent smile!


tiny Xoloitzcuintle or Mexican hairless dog wearing a sweater

As we stated at the beginning, not all cute dogs are small. However, a strong argument could be made that all wee pups are cute. And there may not be a better example of that than the sweet Xolo. In the standard size, the Xolo can be a polarizing breed. Some love their ancient, noble look, while others find their blunt, squarish features off-putting or intimidating.

Shrink that dog down to the toy size, however, and just about all bets are off. As their ears grow in proportion to the rest of their bodies, the heads of the toy-size Xolo take on a comical appearance. And the little mohawk that’s common to the breed gives them an air of affable punk rock. Like a baby in a leather jacket.


beagle sleeping on couch; does your dog have a fever

Gentle, good-natured, and up for many romps and scampers, beagles are the peanut butter to your child’s jelly, ready for just about anything your active family has planned. They need ample amounts of daily exercise and attention, but reward all effort with cuddles and kisses.

The beagle is not only a kid’s favorite pooch, but also a U.S. president’s preferred pet. Lyndon B. Johnson had many animals during his White House stay, most specifically his two beagles, Him and Her, who he often let play in the Oval Office.


two Dalmatians playing on a rocky beach with a red toy

More than movie stars or fire truck escorts, Dalmatians are devoted companions and truly loyal. Initially shy but smart, they quickly pick up on socialization skills and once comfortable around people and other pets, let their inner goofiness shine—which makes them one of the cutest dog breeds ever!

Dalmatians need to stay active, so consider them as a running buddy or trail leader while hiking. Wherever you are is their favorite place to be.

These 25 Cute Dog Breeds Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile

cute dog golden retriever puppy


E very dog is cute in their own way, of course. But some dog breeds are so adorable that you just can’t help but smile when you see them. So, what are the cutest pooches around? We’re rounding up the most OMG-worthy pups on the planet for your scrolling pleasure.

pembroke welsh corgi cute dog breed

1 Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Their fluffy butts! Their sweet smiles! That sploot! It’s no wonder this dog breed tops our list.

golden retriever cute dog breed

2 Golden Retriever

From their floppy ears to their fluffy tails, Goldens’ adorable appearance has helped make them some of the most popular pups in the U.S.

pug cute dog breed

3 Pug

If you’re a sucker for pugs’ expressive wrinkles, large eyes and curly tails, well, we’re right there with you. How can you resist that smooshy face?

cavalier king charles spaniel cute dog breed

4 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These happy-go-lucky pups are known for their silky ears and warm brown eyes, making them an extra-adorable cuddle buddy.

yorkshire terrier cute dog breed

5 Yorkshire Terrier

You can crop your Yorkie’s coat short, or let it grow into long, flowing locks. Either way, you’ll have a dog dog who’s as drop-dead fabulous as they are adorable.

siberian husky cute dog breed

6 Siberian Husky

Looking for an extra floofy pup to cuddle? Look no further than the Husky, whose extra-thick coat was built to stand up to cold winters. And did we mention that some of them have striking blue eyes?

french bulldog cute dog breed

7 French Bulldog

Perky ear alert! Frenchies are devoted, smooshy-faced dogs who make especially cute puppies.

dachshund cute dog breed

8 Dachshund

These “low riders” of the dog world have short legs, floppy ears, and a long torso that’s earned them the nickname “hot dogs.” (You know, like the food.)