Best indoor plants

Large Indoor Plants That Thrive in Low Light

Start small and do your research before you buy. You want to make sure that you get something that suits your life and your home.

The Best Indoor Plants for Beginners

Want to change your home environment, boost your mood and improve your health? Add some indoor plants to your home and you’ll instantly begin to feel the flow of energy throughout your living space.

Not convinced plants can improve your mental health? Having plants inside your home makes you think of the outdoors, open spaces, and fresh air. Plants are a constant reminder to be present. They are literally sitting there calmly each day doing their thing. Growing, blooming, and simply being.

If you followed my recent return home, you’ll know I wound up stuck in Thailand and sadly almost all my plants died. But one did survive….my Snake Plant.

If you’re looking for a houseplant that’s easy to take care of, start with a Snake Plant. Some people call them Mother-in-Laws’ Tongues. The only time I see these plants die is when people overwater them. And speaking of overwatering, this is the number one way people kill plants.

A quick and simple trick to avoid overwatering is to first check the soil with your finger. If the soil’s dry, your plant needs to be watered. If the soil’s not dry, don’t water the plant. It’s also important to make sure your plant has adequate drainage at the bottom of the pot. Not all pots come with their own drainage, so you might have to add a couple of holes yourself.

I totally understand that you may not have time to take care of plants, or maybe you don’t have a green thumb. I get it. I’ve been there. But if you want to make a change and start getting green, you’ll be glad to know there are several that require little-to-no work to take care of.

10 Indoor Plants for Beginners

1. Snake Plant. The Snake Plant has many names, including Mother-in-Law’s Tongue and the Bedroom Plant. Known for its ability to clean the air, the Snake Plant is unlike other plants as it continues to release oxygen at night when it’s dark.

This is literally the hardest plant in the world to kill. They thrive not only indoors, but outdoors, as well. You can give Snake Plants anything from a little bit of light to loads of bright light.

Watering should be done once a month, just enough to get the soil wet. Avoid overwatering this plant, because it much prefers drier soil. A Snake Plant is very reasonably priced and won’t break your budget.

2. Fiddle Leaf Fig. The Fiddle Leaf Fig is the newest addition to my home. I’ve been reading and learning everything I can about it, so I’m pretty knowledgeable. I love its beautiful violin-shaped leaves.

This plant loves light, but not direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves and stop the plant from growing. To keep the growth even, rotate the plant regularly.

Keep the soil moist by watering it every 2 weeks. Depending on the temperature where you are, you may need to water your Fiddle Leaf Fig it a bit more or a bit less. Always check the soil with your finger and if it’s dry, go ahead and water it.

3. Golden Pothos. When I moved out on my own, the Golden Pothos was the first plant I purchased. If you tend to forget to water your plants, this is the plant for you. A Golden Pothos isn’t just perfect for the home, it’s also a fantastic addition to your office or even a dorm room.

This plant loves bright light, but it really thrives in indirect light. It even does well under fluorescent lighting. If you happen to notice the leaves turning pale, your plant may be getting too much sun.

The Gold Pythos loves drier soil, so be sure not to overwater it. When the leaves start to droop, the plant is telling you it’s thirsty and needs a good drink. If you wait too long before watering, the leaves will turn yellow, shrivel up, and die.

4. Monstera. My Monstera is currently my favorite plant in my home. Monsteras have big leaves and will make any space beautiful.

I think of them as low-maintenance, but they do require some attention. Monsteras are not picky about their light needs. I’ve kept mine near the window, in my bedroom, and even in my shower. But it’s important to know they prefer indirect light. If you notice the leaves turning yellow, it’s likely your Monstera is not getting enough light or you’ve overwatered it.

These plants love moisture in the soil. Take it from me — do not let the soil dry out. Once or twice, the leaves on my Monstera were drooping because the soil was dry. You should water your Monstera once a week and make sure your pot has drainage because these plants do not like root rot. If your roots have rotted, you can change the soil to stop your Monstera dying.

5. Peace Lily. If you’re looking for a houseplant that will bloom each year, the Peace Lily is your plant. They’ve sometimes been known to bloom twice a year, so you might get lucky.

Peace Lilies are a gorgeous statement piece for a tabletop. They’re great for rooms that you spend a lot of time in because they filter more indoor pollutants than other plants.

Indirect sunlight is best for Peace Lillies. If you notice the leaves curling up, your plant is getting too much sun and if you don’t move it, the leaves will get scorched.

Peace Lilies love to be watered about once a week. But as I said before, check the soil with your finger. A bit of trivia for you: Peace Lilies are not technically lilies. But like real lilies, they can be poisonous. Peace Lilies can be toxic to pets and humans, so keep out of reach or consider a different plant if you have small children or pets.

6. Rubber Plant. Native to Asia, the Rubber Plant got its name from its sap which is used to make rubber. This plant grows and thrives with the proper care.

Rubber Plants love natural sunlight, but make sure it is not direct sunlight. Wherever you keep your plant, remember to rotate it each month so all sides get enough light and it grows evenly.

Rubber Plants love moisture in the soil, so don’t let it dry out. If the leaves start to droop, your Rubber Plant needs more water.

7. Spider Plant. The Spider Plant is yet another houseplant that’s great for beginners. When this plant grows, it develops spiderettes which hang down like spiders on a web. It’s this quirky feature that got the plant its name.

Just like the Snake Plant, the Spider Plant prefers to run on the drier side. Because of this, it needs a pot with good drainage, otherwise, the roots can rot. Again, you should check the soil prior to watering, but typically these plants prefer to be watered every week or every other week.

If the tips of the leaves turn brown, don’t stress. This is most likely caused by chemicals in the water and is normal. To stop this from happening, you can use filtered water.

Good news for pet lovers: the Spider Plant is non-toxic and safe for homes with dogs and cats.

8. Jade Plant. Jade Plants are the perfect housewarming gift. Also known as Money Plants, Jade Plants signify luck and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, you should keep a Money Plant by your front door to welcome money into your home.

Native to South Africa, the Jade Plant is a succulent with glossy green leaves. It needs bright light, but not direct sun.

Like with many other plants, the most common cause of death for a Jade Plant is overwatering. Be careful and let the soil dry out prior to watering again. Jade Plants prefer to be watered every one to two weeks, depending on the season.

Warning: these plants are very toxic to dogs, cats and mildly toxic to humans. If you have pets or small children, this is not the plant for you.

9. Aloe Vera. Don’t have time to care for a plant? Get yourself an Aloe Vera. These plants thrive on neglect!

Aloe Vera is probably the most popular succulent in the world. Growing up in California, my mom always had Aloe Vera plants in our yard. I remember using the fresh gel from them to soothe burns and scrapes on our skin.

Aloe Vera plants love sunlight. Just be sure to place yours in indirect sunlight and rotate it often so it gets equal lighting on all sides.

This plant loves to be watered when the soil is dried out. Again, make sure your pot has drainage so the excess water can drain off. The biggest mistake with Aloe Vera (and all succulents for that matter) is overwatering. I know I’m guilty of overwatering my succulents. Don’t follow in my footsteps and water your Aloe Vera only once every week in summer and every 2 weeks in winter.

10. Prayer Plant. Prayer Plants are not only beautiful, but they’re pretty magical, too. Each night their leaves fold together as if in prayer and each morning they open again.

This plant likes to have moist soil, so don’t let it get too dry between waterings. Each time you water, be sure you use warm water to keep your plant healthy and happy. Again, Prayer Plants need to be in pots with proper drainage. Their root system is quite shallow, so a shallow pot is best.

Prayer Plants thrive when placed in bright, indirect sunlight. Some more good news for all you pet lovers: Prayer Plants are non-toxic to dogs and cats.

If you don’t have any plants but you want to begin, I suggest starting with one or two. This way you’ll gradually get into a plant care routine and can add to your collection when you’re ready. I often have anywhere from 8 to 20 plants in my home at one time. Yes, you can call me a little obsessed!

Start small and do your research before you buy. You want to make sure that you get something that suits your life and your home.

Still have questions about indoor plants? Drop me a message and I’ll do anything I can to help!

Large Indoor Plants That Thrive in Low Light

Y’all know that I’m absolutely obsessed with having lots (and I do mean lots) of plants in my home. Even better are large plants that don’t need tons of light. I know, I don’t have much light in certain corners of my home. So, I rounded up a d definitive guide for the best large indoor plants low light won’t kill. No one likes a lifeless plant after all.

Ficus Audrey Tree best large indoor plants low light

Whether you’re looking for something low maintenance, high maintenance, or simply don’t have a preference, you’ll surely find your next plant baby to make the newest addition to your home Ready to get started? Then let’s begin!

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

best large indoor plants low light Chinese evergreen

Indoor Size 1 – 3 ft. (height and width)
Care Level Low
Light Partial sun, full sun
Temperature 70+ °F
Humidity 60 – 70%

Slow growing, easy to care for, and at home that can handle full sun or mostly shade, the Chinese Evergreen is a great option for first-time plant parents. It doesn’t require a lot of water and makes it very easy for you to know whether or not it needs a drink.

Overall, this plant is very easy to care for, but there are a few things to watch out for. Pests are possible but easily treated with insecticide. Avoid overwatering this plant and keep it away from pets (as the plant is toxic to animals).

Follow these simple steps and your new potted pal should flourish!

Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)

best large indoor plants low light

Indoor Size Up to 6 ft. tall
Care Level Low
Light Partial sun
Temperature 60 – 75°F
Humidity 40 – 50%

Second on our list of the best large indoor plants low light won’t kill is a slow-growing African evergreen tree known as the Corn Plant. Easily grown in a terracotta pot, this plant requires minimal care as long as the growing conditions are right.

Fortunately, this plant doesn’t require a very high humidity level but you may still want to place a humidifier nearby the plant (if your home’s humidity is below 40%). You can place both near a window, which should provide adequate lighting. Avoid direct sunlight!

Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)

lady palm best large indoor plants low light

Indoor Size Up to 6 ft. tall, up to 4 ft. wide
Care Level Low
Light Partial sun, shade
Temperature 60 – 80°F
Humidity 50+%

As long as you have a few pretty pots and a set of pruning shears on-hand, taking care of this plant should be a breeze! Lady Palms are elegant plants that require minimal pruning and biennial repotting.

Originally from China, these plants grow slowly and are tolerant to lower-lighting conditions, making them excellent indoor options for the average homeowner. In fact, they don’t like direct sunlight, so keeping yours near—but not directly in front of—a window will be best.

Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

Parlor Palm best large indoor plants low light

Indoor Size 2 – 6 ft. tall, 2 – 3 ft wide
Care Level Low
Light Bright, indirect light
Temperature 65 – 80 °F
Humidity 40+%

Want your own palm tree but don’t live in a tropical climate? Fear not—you can simply pick up a Parlor Palm! These tiny trees are actually palm trees. Of course, as indoor trees, they don’t grow anywhere near as large as their outdoor cousins. Generally, you can expect 6 ft. or less.

Although they’re big plants, it’s actually easy to take care of them. Place your Parlor Palm out of direct sunlight and keep a close eye on the moisture levels of the soil, as overwatering this plant can easily harm it. It will do just fine in low light. What’s not to love?

When in doubt, less is more!

Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

Rubber plant best large indoor plants low light

Indoor Size 4 – 10 ft. tall
Care Level Medium
Light Partial shade
Temperature 60 – 75 °F
Humidity 45 – 50%

I’m secretly obsessed with these beauties. Popular with the masses, the Rubber Plant is a unique-looking plant with large, waxy leaves. Being tropical, it won’t survive very long in extremely dark rooms; it doesn’t need a ton of light but does require indirect light from a window if you want it to flourish for the long term.

Although they can grow up to ten feet tall indoors and will eventually require a dowel for support, these plants grow much larger in the wild (up to 100 ft!). Fortunately, you can simply prune your plant once it reaches your desired height to keep it under control.

Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

How Often to Water Snake Plants Indoor Plants

Indoor Size 6 inches to 8 ft. tall
Care Level Low
Light Shade, partial sun
Temperature 70 – 90°F
Humidity 30 – 50%

The Snake Plant is one of the best large indoor plants low light simply doesn’t stand a chance against it! Drought-resistant, able to adapt to most lighting conditions, and low-maintenance, the plant is an excellent option for a first-time plant owner. Here are my pro tips for how to take care of a snake plant.

You can basically place it anywhere and watch it thrive! The only downside of this plant is that it’s toxic to both dogs and cats, which could pose an issue if your home has furry friends. Actually, many household plants are toxic to pets, so that’s always something you want to watch out for.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Side plant best large indoor plants low light

Indoor Size 1 – 2 ft. (height and width)
Care Level Low
Light Partial sun, shade
Temperature 70 – 90°F
Humidity 50 – 60%

The Chlorophytum comosum—more often referred to by its common name “Spider Plant”—is one of the most popular houseplants around. Unlike many other indoor options, this plant will actually bloom indoors, separating it from many other options on this list of the best large indoor plants low light won’t kill.

It also doesn’t grow very large and is often placed in hanging pots, making it perfect for those with limited space. Simply hang your plant near a window (out of direct sunlight), remember to water it once a week, and enjoy the flora!

Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii)

Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii)

Indoor Size 3 – 8 ft. tall, 1 – 3 ft. wide
Care Level Low
Light Partial sun
Temperature 60 – 85°F
Humidity 50+%

Accurately named, the Swiss Cheese Plant is a type of Monstera plant that has dark green leaves with holes that look suspiciously like the holes in Swiss Cheese!

Despite being fast-growing and more than happy to climb up any available surface, the Swiss Cheese Plant is relatively easy to contain within a pot. If required, you may need to prune it a bit, but that’s about it. Overall, this is a very easy plant to take care of.

Like other Monstera plants, the Swiss Cheese Plant is poisonous to pets, so keep it out of the reach of your four-legged friends to ensure a happy home.

If you’d like your own Monstera plant but don’t have time in your schedule to care for you, consider picking up this faux potted Monstera Deliciosa instead!

Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina)

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Indoor Size 3 – 6 ft. tall
Care Level Low
Light Filtered sun, bright sun
Temperature 75 – 85°F
Humidity 40+%

These beautiful trees are unique for their teardrop leaves and ease of care. They are toxic to both pets and humans so keep that in mind. However, don’t let that deter you.

Thriving in filtered light, this tree is capable of growing up to 6 ft. tall indoors. It doesn’t take well to being moved so try to place it in a good spot once you get it. Even if you’re moving the tree from a dark corner to a brighter one, the Weeping Fig likely won’t appreciate the effort. Keep it in a low-light area and let it thrive.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Zz Plant 791x1024

Indoor Size 2 – 4 ft. (height and width)
Care Level Low
Light Partial sun
Temperature 60 – 75°F
Humidity 40 – 50%

Last on our list of best large indoor plants low light won’t kill is the ZZ Plant, a slow-growing, low-maintenance plant that adapts to most lighting conditions.

While they won’t necessarily thrive in a situation without much light, they can certainly manage minimal lighting. However, bright-but-indirect light is best for this plant.

Alongside their resistance to various lighting situations, they’re also resistant to drought! You’ll only need to water your plant once every two weeks or so, which is great if you’re the forgetful type.

Commonly asked questions about the best large indoor plants low light homes are good for.

What is the easiest large plant to grow indoors?

While all of the tall indoor plants listed above are large plants that can be easily grown indoors, I think the Snake Plant would be my first pick when it comes to beginner-friendly options. These tall plants can tolerate low light situations, require minimal maintenance, and will look amazing when placed near your favorite artwork and paintings!

What is the best indoor plant for low light?

The Peace Lily is another great indoor option. Although they can grow up to four feet (or more) indoors, smaller plants of 16 inches or less are much more common. Requiring minimal light and being relatively small, these low-light houseplants will look right at home when placed on your nightstand!

Can plants grow in a room without windows?

Yes, it’s definitely possible to grow plants in a room without windows. Many plants can survive low-light conditions! However, no plant is going to survive a complete absence of light. Fortunately, you can use grow lights for rooms that lack any natural light. Alternatively (and if space allows), you could also set up a small greenhouse outside. Here’s what you need to know to get started on a small greenhouse on your own.

Why is it not good to have plants in your room?

Although most people will tell you that having plants in your room will improve the air quality, there are also people who say you shouldn’t. Why? Well, the argument is that plants release CO2 at night so they shouldn’t be left indoors.

While there is some truth to this statement—in the sense that plants do release CO2—the fact of the matter is that plants simply don’t produce enough CO2 for it to matter. Whereas a Ficus plant can increase the C02 PPM (parts per million) in a room by 351 PPM overnight, simply exhaling will increase it by about 35,000 PPM.

How do you keep indoor plants alive without sunlight?

The best large indoor plants low light won’t kill can survive for a long time in low light conditions. Indirect sunlight is generally preferable to artificial light, but—if needed—you can use fluorescent lights to provide the light your plants need to survive.

Plants without any light at all will die between 4 to 20 days, though exactly how long they take to die will depend on the type of plant.

Are You Ready to Add Some Greenery?

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As you can see, you have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to choosing the best large indoor plants low light won’t kill (read about some of my other favorite houseplants here)!

Since every option I’ve included above is easy to care for, you can be fairly confident that the new addition to your living room, bedroom, or other room will survive and thrive for a while…. even if you have a black thumb!

Pretty much any one of these plants will be an excellent choice for your home (another plant I recommend is the Ficus Audrey!). While you’re at it, I recommend picking up this indoor plant shelf, a few unique pots (like this one here), and considering growing your own kitchen herbs. in my opinion, you can never have too much greenery in your home!

Well, that pretty much sums up today’s post. Did you see any new plants you’d like to add to your home? If so, I’d love to hear about your new favorite flora in the comments below. Until next time!